Alexey Starovoytov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We are pleased to announce the availability of GCC for SPARC (R) Systems
> (GCCfss) at
> GCCfss extends GCC to be able to use
> the optimizing Sun(tm) Code Generator for SPARC systems (SCGfss).

A couple of questions:

* Would it be possible to use the same technique for Solaris/x86 or
  Linux/x86, too?  Both versions of Studio 11 provide as well.

* Maybe it would be possible to perform further development on a vendor
  branch in the GCC svn repository?  I'm not sure if this would require SC
  buy-in, though.  Perhaps the changes might become acceptible for FSF GCC
  at some point in time; there have been discussions over at about opening the sources to the Sun compilers.


Rainer Orth, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University

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