gcc-4.1-rc1 seems nice so far - it's the first version of gcc that can beat gcc-2.95.3 on one particular app - but it seems to be slow at preprocessing C++ source. This matters quite a bit when running distcc. In fact, it seems to take three times as long to build large C++ apps as gcc-2.95.3 did. (Your milage may vary.)
The app I measured this on has a rather large number of -I options, so there are lots and lots of stat calls looking for .h files, and lots and lots of stat calls looking for precompiled headers. We plan to get rid of most of the -I flags, but in the meantime, it'd be nice to be able to disable the stat for the pch (since we know we aren't using pch at all). Is there an option to do that? I couldn't see one in a quick scan. - Dan -- Wine for Windows ISVs: http://kegel.com/wine/isv