Joern RENNECKE writes:
 > Andrew Haley wrote:
 > > 
 > >As a comparison point, I get
 > >
 > >real    73m39.275s
 > >user    113m19.549s
 > >sys     15m26.010s
 > >
 > >for the bootstrap: that's 1h14 elapsed time.  That's on a "AMD
 > >Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+" (2.4 GHz) with make -j3.
 > >That's 129min of CPU time in 74min of elapsed time, a pretty good
 > >processor utilization ratio of 1.75 : 2.
 > >  
 > >
 > Is that using the i686 or amd64 instruction set?  If the latter, does it 
 > use 32 or 64 bit pointers?

The latter.  Yes.

 > How much RAM dos this machine have, and how fast is it?

2G.  DDR400  3-3-3-8  (TWINX2048-3200PRO)

This RAM also has flashing LEDs to make it go faster.  (Something to do
with photonics, I think.)


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