>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Joe> But before fighting the political battles, we should first figure out if
Joe> this is what we really want to do if there weren't political obstacles.
Joe> Let's try coming to a technical consensus first.

I made a list of things which would have to be addressed, based
mostly on this thread.

- Make ecj emit .jar files
- Change ecj's error reporting format
  Right now it is quite ugly and doesn't conform to GNU standards.
- Consider putting column numbers in debug info
  Though as far as I know, nothing uses this today, so I think this
  is low priority.
- Check compile time performance.
  We don't want to slow gcj down too much.
- Make bootstrapping simpler.
  Some small library refactorings would make it quite simple,
  amounting to downloading a single jar file.
- Exception regions as mentioned by Andrew.
  I'm not sure what we need to do here.
- Fix variable slot tracking for bytecode
  I don't recall exactly what the problem here was.

These last two are already present in today's compiler, though
switching to ecj would exacerbate the situation.


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