> ecj is written in java.  This will complicate the bootstrap process.
 > However, the situation will not be quite as severe as the Ada
 > situation, in that it ought to be possible to bootstrap gcj using any
 > java runtime, including mini ones such as JamVM -- at least, assuming
 > that the suggested implementation route is taken.

I would really hesitate to follow Ada in this regard.

IMHO, writing your frontend in the same language it's intended to
compile causes it to be marginalized.  It no longer becomes part of
the default bootstrap sequence and gets much less testing.  You'll
find patches that were supposedly "bootstrapped and regtested" will
quite often break java because it didn't get tested as part of the

If you want to use a non-C language for java, then C++ is a better
choice because you can use G++ in the local tree to compile the java
frontend as if the java FE was a target library.  No extra
dependencies are introduced for bootstrap it just modifies the order
things get done.

It'll be more complicated for a cross-config, but at least everything
you need is in the local src tree.

Kaveh R. Ghazi                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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