On Wednesday 25 January 2006 10:20, Igor Bukanov wrote:
> Is there any option to ask GCC to print various size and alignment
> info on the target platform?  This would be very nice during cross
> compilation when one can not run the executables to autoconfigure for
> such parameters.
> Currently I consider for that a hack like copiling the following source:
> #include <stddef.h>
> union aligned_fields {
>     double d;
>     void (*f)();
>     ...
> };
> struct align_test {
>     union aligned_fields u1;
>     char c;
> };

Autoconf already has tests for things like this. Something along the lines of:

const char D_P_S_4[sizeof(void *) == 4 : -1 : 1];
const char D_P_S_8[sizeof(void *) == 8 : -1 : 1];

Then see which compiles, or grep the error messages.


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