Gunther Nikl wrote :
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 01:35:59PM +0100, Philippe De Muyter wrote:

> > Where is that AmigaOS port availaible ?
> > That seems to be an easier solution.
> GCC diffs upto 3.4.0 are available here:

I have downloaded them, and found the -baserel(32) and -resident(32) options.

That seems to be a good starting point, but is not precisely what I meant.

What I meant is :

        .text segment is not pic and is linked for a well known address,
        .rodata segment is linked for a fixed address.
        Initialized data containing references to the text or rodata
        are kept in rodata, as they need no relocation.

        data, bss, and initialized data containing references to data or bss
        are accessed via a5

Is that available ?

I would like to compile busybox that way, and execute it in place from my
flash, without duplicating in ram for each process what should be
read-only datas.


> There is a sourceforge project called "adtools" which is intended to have
> the AmigaOS/68k GCC port. Currently those patches are not integrated yet.
> However, the binutils support is available there.
> Its probably impossible to integrate anything from there into official
> sources because its imposible to tell who participated in developing
> these features.
> Gunther

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