make all-stage2 STAGE1_LANGUAGES=c,fortran
So, how would I now get a cc1plus/f951/jc1/cc1 binary compiled by the
stage0 (host) compiler?
That would give me the 4 '-g -O0' binaries compiled with the system
compiler. I've tried following these notes, but it always gives me
binaries built by 'prev-gcc/xgcc'.
My notes were for a miscompilation, so I also needed the stage2
binaries, built by prev-gcc/xgcc.
make stage1-bubble STAGE1_LANGUAGES=c,c++,fortran,java
I think that after I fix PR25670, as a side effect, you will also be
able to use the more intuitive target "all-stage1". But I didn't think
of that PR much closely because it is about a target that was anyway
undocumented, and there are bigger fish to fry.