On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 08:36:21AM -0500, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:19:14PM +0100, Gunther Nikl wrote:
> > Sorry for being vague, its a cross-compiler (build == host). The build
> > errors out for libgcc.a since gcc/xgcc uses the "wrong" assembler. The
> > last successful build was at the beginning of decemeber.
> Wait wait wait wait wait.  This is a cross compiler.  Are we mistakenly
> running $prefix/bin/$target-as, which is a bad version, or are we
> really running $prefix/bin/as, a program named "as"?  If we're doing
> that, let's fix that separately - it's a nasty bug!

$prefix/bin/$target-as was invoked through the script "gcc/as" created
by stamp-as. AFAICT, that rule uses AS_FOR_TARGET. I am only using
$prefix for cross compilers, thus there is no naked tool in $prefix/bin.

> > > Also, _why_ do you have different tools in those two places?
> > 
> > Is this important? I kept binutil versions in $prefix/bin because at
> > times its useful to have it, eg. comparing its output/behaviour. The
> > replaced tools in $prefix/$target/bin are better suited for my needs,
> > thus I installed them there and until recently GCC always used these
> > tools.
> You see, normally the binutils "make install" hardlinks
> bin/mips-linux-as to mips-linux/bin/as.

I know.

> GCC probably has more than one assumption that they're compatible
> assemblers.

I wasn't aware that this assumption exists. I admit that my setup is
probably uncommon. I always assumed gcc has to use as/ld from


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