Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

with no more qualifications (this definition is slightly different in
some nearby languages), it is slippery to found optimizations on
"pointer overflows."
Well I think unfortunately the standard does allow such "optimizations", but that does
not mean it is a good thing to take advantage of this.

And even more so, the existing practice in widely used programs is to
compare pointers to things like (void *)-1.  And this even in GCC own
source code.
Indeed! And as I said in an earlier message, I think gcc is far too ready to hide bad behavior behind the justification of wording in the standard. When things
are undefined, there is every argument for doing what people expect and what
will cause least surprise, unless a *VERY* strong argument is made that an
optimization is really important. Since almost no individual optimizations
are in themselves really important, this is a very hard burden to meet.

We had a similar case in GNAT recently:

  X : Xtype;


 if X in Xtype then

The Ada standard clearly justifies removing this test, but equally clearly the user is doing this for a reason, and the likely reason is almost certainly that a test is
wanted for the representation of X being in range of its type (e.g. after an
unchecked conversion).

GCC 3.4 optimization did indeed remove this test, due to over-enthusiastic
treatment of range information, and many users complained. So we changed
GNAT to treat this case as:

  if X'Valid then

and issue a warning

(I still don't think that's good enough, it catches only some cases, and for example,
if X > Xtype'Last
will still malfunction. I would like to just eliminate this range optimization for
Ada, I just don't believe it is worth the aggravation of expectations).

My favorite example of hiding behind the standard is that Fortran 66 carefully
allowed either stack or static allocation of local variables. All Fortran
compilers did static allocation, and most (almost all) Fortran programs
relied on this. Burroughs 5500 Fortran translated into Algol-60 (the only
assembly language for the machine, there was no separate assembler),
and used stack allocation. Frightfully standard, but completely useless,
and Burroughs lost sales because of the failure of its Fortran compiler
to compile and run standard Fortran codes.

So please don't take my comments as supporting dubious optimizations
of pointer arithmetic.

For me the only practical acceptable implementation of pointers in C
is to use lineary addresses as integers, and implemnet wrap around
arithmetic on these values.

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