> ADAFLAGS = -W -Wall -gnatpg -gnata > ADAFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -W -Wall -gnatpg -gnata > > and changing = to += in config/mt-ppc-aix? > > Arnaud, it seems strange that "required" flags like -gnatpg are on > ADAFLAGS rather than the makefile rules. -c is not in CFLAGS, for > example. Is it possible that you don't want -gnatpg in some cases?
Yes, -gnatp is certainly not required in all cases (e.g. for debugging). Of course that does not change the fact that we want a reasonable default value for ADAFLAGS, that is *not* overriden by default by the top-level Makefiles, only by users and build scripts. And I'd rather keep this default in ada/Makefile.in rather than moving it to the top level. Arno