> Re: GCC mailing list archive search omits results after May 2005 I have been following this thread of discussion. I am a little puzzled. Google and Gmail are both free but they are not "free" software according to the FSF definition. But does it matter? We still use them for work. Gmane is completely free and non-commercial, but its free-ness is still somehow questioned. How free is free? Don't get me wrong, I know what real free is and I appreciate it, but still I want to be practical.
I am a member of the Nabble project (similiar to Gmane), so I have a selfish interest in discussing this with you guys. Below is my view of the pros and cons of different alternatives: 1. Google - Not free, has ads But the real problem is that Google does not index all the posts, and we don't know what are the criteria for indexing. One thing for sure, the recent posts will take days or weeks to get crawled and put into the index. So using Google to search is uncertain. Some people in this thread of discussion have noticed this. 2. Gmail - Not free, has ads But the real problem is that it is not open to the public. Yes, I can search my gmail, but what about the newcomers to this list? Where do they search? 3. Gmane - free, no ads I don't see a problem with using Gmane to search this list. 4. Nabble - Not free, no ads now but will have ads eventually Gmane is the pioneer. Nabble tries to do better. The main improvement is to allow cross search and browing of multiple lists. You can search or browse all GCC lists here: http://www.nabble.com/gcc-f1154.html You can also drill down to the child node for this list http://www.nabble.com/gcc---Dev-f1157.html Nabble allows a lot more parameters in fine-tuning a search. Try a search, then click the 'Search Tips' link. The problem with Nabble is that it only started archiving GCC lists half a year ago, so the data is not complete. But if the mbox file is still available, we can probably do a custom import. I am not involved in any of the gcc work, but I hope this helps your cause. Regards, Will L Nabble.com -- Sent from the gcc - Dev forum at Nabble.com: http://www.nabble.com/GCC-mailing-list-archive-search-omits-results-after-May-2005-t738227.html#a1963126