Hi, I have updated the wiki with all current information: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm
As indicated on the wiki: If you are a GCC developper and want access to the compileFarm for GCC development and testing, or if you are a free software developper wishing to set up automated testing of a piece of free software with the current GCC development version (preferably with a test suite), please send your ssh public key (HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys format) and your prefered UNIX login to laurent at guerby dot net. First test results from the compileFarm: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-testresults/2005-12/msg00569.html Feel free to pass the word around to other free sofware project people you know that could be interested in setting up an automated build of their software with a development version of GCC. For scripts and various things that will be developped for these machines, should we use the GCC SVN repository or set up a project on gna.org (FSF France sourceforge)? I think it would be more flexible to use a separate gna.org project, especially for people from other free software projects who don't have FSF paperwork done. Laurent