Paul Schlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: [...]
| > OK, thanks. I was rewriting part of valarray and I saw I made that | > assumption, and since it is bug chasing time I thought I should make | > sure my use of memset() isn't going to bomb out. | | - If of any help, the c4x's float format is: [exp:8|sign:1|fract:23] | where the exponent is encoded in 2's complement form thereby: | | (float)0 :: [0|0|0] :: 1.0*2^0 :: 1.0 | | and further defined that an exponent of -128 regardless of the value | of it's sign and fraction fields is interpreted as 0.0, thereby: | | (int)0.0 :: (int)X*2^-128 :: may = (int)[-128|0|0] :: -2,147,483,648 | | So if it's defined that non otherwise initialized static data fields | are initialized to all zero's, then correspondingly such floats will be | interpreted as being initialized to 1.0 as far as the c4x is concerned; | which may or may not be ok, but possibly reasonable if simply known to | the the case? That may probably be OK -- I haven't heard of a C4X user doing instensive computations with valarray. But I guess I'll stick to the explicit loop and avoid having to revisit the valarray mess again. However, Ian and you have intrigued me; do you have a (preferably online) reference to C4X model? Thanks, -- Gaby