In his original message, Torbjorn indicated that Swox AB (the company of
which he is CEO) donated the code, and the old copyright file had an
entry for Torbjorn, though not Swox AB.

Well, the problem is that you're raising a legal technicality, and legal
technicalities are up to the FSF.  Maybe they'll have no problem,
especially if Swox AB basically is Torbjorn.  If there is a problem, and
Torbjorn is still CEO of Swox AB, it should be no problem (other than the
delay) to do new paperwork, and maybe RMS would be OK with it going in
now as long as we're sure that everything will be done by release time.

But I do think we have to ask.

copyright.list shows these two entries.

ANY     Swox AB 2001-03-19
Assigns past and future changes to FSF-owned programs and documentation.
(Torbjo:rn Granlund)

GCC     Torbjorn Mikael Granlund        Sweden  1961    1993-04-01
Assigns past and future changes.

I think this is reasonably safe.


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