We're going to commit to autovect-branch vectorization support for
non-unit-stride accesses.
We'd like to suggest a few new tree-codes/optabs in order to express the
extraction and merging of elements from/to vectors.
Here are the suggested tree-codes/optabs; an example on how they are going
to be used follows.
(1) extract elements at even/odd fields from two vectors:
optabs: vec_extract_even_optab, vec_extract_odd_optab
to be used as follows:
vec3 = vec_extract_even_expr (vec1, vec2)
vec4 = vec_extract_odd_expr (vec1, vec2)
producing (for vectorization factor (VF)= 4):
vec3 = [vec1.0, vec1.2, vec2.0, vec2.2]
vec4 = [vec1.1, vec1.3, vec2.1, vec2.3]
(2) extract the high/low-order elements of two vectors and merge them
optabs: vec_interleave_high_optab, vec_interleave_low_optab
to be used as follows:
vec3 = vec_interleave_high_expr (vec1, vec2)
vec4 = vec_interleave_low_expr (vec1, vec2)
producing (for VF=4):
vec3 = [vec1.0, vec2.0, vec1.1, vec2.1]
vec4 = [vec1.2, vec2.2, vec1.3, vec2.3]
1) These 4 idioms can be used to vectorize strided accesses with power-of-2
strides: to vectorize a load with stride d we'd need d*log(d) extracts, and
similarly for stores (a store with stride d requires d*log(d)
interleaves). Note that you can't get any better than that even if you have
more powerful mechanisms than extract_even/odd and interleave_hi/lo (you
need d-1 operations to extract elements from d vectors even if each
operation can extract an arbitrary set of elements from a pair of vectors).
2) The choice to address only power-of-2 strides as a first step was made
because these are the most common strides found in computations, and
because there's a well defined regularity in handling power-of-2 strides
(with respect to generating the extracts/interleaves), so it's much easier
to automate than non-power-of-2 strides where there's less regularity, and
usually requires a tailored solution per stride.
3) We could introduce more generic extract/interleave idioms, that also
take a permutation mask as a third argument and extract/interleave elements
according to the mask (e.g. permute). However, such generic permutes are
not generally supported by platforms. Also, as noted above, they do not
provide a more efficient solution than the extract_odd/even and
interleave_high/low for the power-of-2-stride case. In the future, when we
extend this work to handle non-power-of-2 strides, we'll need to introduce
more powerful mechanisms (ala permute).
4) While a general permute like operation is generally not supported
efficiently on most platforms, the above 4 idioms can be supported
efficiently even on platforms that have only a specialized version of
permute. SSE can use a combination of pshuf* and unpack* instructions (and
in some cases just a shufps); Altivec can use the vperm (and in some cases
a vmerge*).
We'll appreciate feedback on how these idioms could be supported on other
more details below,
dorit and Ira
The new functionality is going to allow us to vectorize computations
with strides that are a power-of-2, like in the example below, in which the
real and imaginary parts are interleaved, and therefore each of the
data-refs accesses data with stride 2:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
tmp_re = in[2*i] * coefs[2*i] - in[2*i+1] * coefs[2*i+1];
tmp_im = in[2*i] * coefs[2*i+1] + in[2*i+1] * coefs[2*i];
out[2*i] = tmp_re;
out[2*i+1] = temp_im;
What is generally going to happen is that, for a VF=4, we're going to:
(1) load this data from memory:
vec_in1 = [re0,im0,re1,im1] = vload &in
vec_in2 = [re2,im2,re3,im3] = vload &in[VF]
(and similarly for the coefs array)
and then, because we're doing different operations on the odd and even
elements, we need to
(2) arrange them into separate vectors:
vec_in_re = [re0,re1,re2,re3] = extract_even (vec_in1, vec_in2)
vec_in_im = [im0,im1,im2,im3] = extract_odd (vec_in1, vec_in2)
(and similarly for the coefs array)
(3) now we can operate on the different elements:
vec_tmp_re = vec_in_re * vec_coefs_re - vec_in_im * vec_coefs_im
vec_tmp_im = vec_in_re * vec_coefs_im + vec_in_im * vec_coefs_re
so now we have:
vec_tmp_re = [tmp_re0,tmp_re1,tmp_re2,tmp_re3]
vec_tmp_im = [tmp_im0,tmp_im1,tmp_im2,tmp_im3]
Lastly, upon a store to memory, we need to
(4) interleave the results:
vec_tmp_1 = interleave_high (vec_tmp_re, vec_tmp_im)
vec_tmp_2 = interleave_low (vec_tmp_re, vec_tmp_im)
so now we have:
vec_tmp_1 = [tmp_re0,tmp_im0,tmp_re1,tmp_im1]
vec_tmp_2 = [tmp_re2,tmp_im2,tmp_re3,tmp_im3]
ready to be
(5) stored into array out:
vstore (vec_tmp_1, &out)
vstore (vec_tmp_1, &out[VF])