On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 13:26 -0500, Diego Novillo wrote:
> We won't get perfect answers, which is fine given the nature of the 
> problem.  However, I would like, to get *consistent* answers.  If we 
> decide to re-organize the optimization pipeline, we should not be getting 
> different -Wuninitialized behaviour.  Perhaps that's an easier problem to 
> solve.  For instance, for GCC bootstraps we could ignore the warning when 
> it's from "... but was later optimized away ...".
Again, the problem I have with the notion that we want to get
consistent answers is that doing so, is going to give us a lot of
false positives.  That IMHO is a huge step backwards if that's how
we make -Wuninitialized work.

I am certainly open to the idea of having a new option to ensure
those consistent results.  And for GCC development we can choose
to turn that option on or off in our Makefiles -- just as other
projects who want that level of consistentcy can do.


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