The Post-Mont-Tremblant WG14 mailing is now available from the WG14 website. Particular points of note:
* The current decimal FP draft is now N1150 (no longer N1107 which is the version mentioned in svn.html); I don't what what's changed since N1107. * The draft minutes say: TR 24732 - Decimal Floating Point. The committee revising IEEE 754R has run into a significant issue in the revision. TR 24732 depends on that document. There is nothing we can do to proceed with that TR until the key issues are resolved. We need to tell SC22 what our plans are for proceeding. Fred volunteered to work with Edison to develop a rationale. I don't know what the issue with 754R is and how it affects dfp-branch, but I presume the DFP developers are following 754R development and know about and understand the issue and its impact. * DRs 315 (bit-field types) and 314 (cross-translation-unit tagged type compatibility are moving backwards and are less resolved than they were before, with a WG14 paper to be written on 314. * Something might happen on DR 323 (N1138) (Annex G now conflicts with normative standard) and DR 324 (N1123) (partial preprocessing tokens), but what is unclear. -- Joseph S. Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CodeSourcery mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)