Daniel was right in that the discussion has degenerated. So, here's a concrete proposal. Think of it as a start on a documentation patch.
Since there is no consensus, it seems that the right solution is to have options. I think that the following concept can solve the problems. -fno-eol-whitespace-strip If this flag is specified, then only '\\$', not '\\ *$', causes a line to be continued. (We default to current gcc behavior, which is -feol-whitespace-strip). -Wcontinued-cpp-comment Warn if there is a C++-style comment that is continued by a backslash at the end of the line, and the following line contains something other than whitespace and comments. The current setting of -f{no-}eol-whitespace-strip is used to decide what is a continued comment. -Wcontinued-cpp-comment could be included in -Wall, or not; we could experiment with codebases to see what gets flagged. I think it's a good idea to put it there, though. Apple's customer could use -fno-eol-whitespace-strip, and the warning would flag any line art that loses its trailing space (for cases where it matters). The warning, if implemented correctly, will be silent except for surprises where text gets commented out unexpectedly. An additional possiblity would be -fno-cpp-continued-comments This flag causes the compiler to diverge from the ISO C and C++ standards! If it is specified, then a trailing backslash in a C++-style comment is simply ignored.