> > I believe every opinion anyone could ever have about this issue has been
> > put forth, and nobody on either side has been convinced of anything,
> > other than that the other side just doesn't get it.
> Well the purpose of the discussion here is precisely to see
> if there is a consensus for change. I think everyone understands
> the issue perfectly well on each side, but the answer is clearly
> no, there is no consensus for changing things.

I'm sorry, did it require 200 emails for people to figure this out?
I'd think that we could have stopped at 10, maybe less.

Instead, everybody just has to throw their opinion on whitespace in,
without bothering to notice someone put forth that opinion 5 minutes

> Well the thread is clear enough, with the exception of the
> odd subject line you just introduced (it really is better
> not to do this), so it is easy enough for anyone to suppress
> the thread if they want to

Sorry, that's the absolute wrong answer.

This mailing list is supposed to be for useful technical discussion.
When it was clear there was no consensus, and no patch had been
produced, the thread just turned into bickering between the

The fact that we have to kill-file threads on a regular basis because
people keep going *long after it is clear there is no technical
consensus, and no patch has been posted* is a bad thing, not something
we should encourage and just say "oh, kill file it".

There is a line somewhere where it's clear to everyone involved no
consensus has been reached, and it's not at the 200 message mark in this


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