Robert Dewar wrote:
Seems a weak argument to me. Changing gcc would create incompatibilities
with previous behavior of gcc, and that is FAR more significant than
worrying about other compilers in my opinion. Having gcc compile
non-portable code accepted by other compilers is a useful goal, but
one of low priority compared to maintaining compatibility as far as
possible between gcc versions.

Wouldn't it be possible to implement a compile-time option to enable the desired behavior only for those poor folk who have this problem?

It's not as if GCC has been shy about adding options before. :)

The *default* behavior of the compiler should follow published standards first and past GCC behavior second (and both whenever possible). Support for "other compilers" is desirable, if it can be implemented without compromising those primary objectives.

Scott Robert Ladd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Coyote Gulch Productions

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