I've been reviewing the age-old issue of interpreting <whitespace>*<newline> as the end-of-line indicator as is the current practice with gcc. For those not familiar with this issue, gcc takes advantage of C99's "implementation-defined manner" to convert multibyte end-of-line indicators to newline characters. gcc considers zero or more whitespace characters preceding a more traditional CR and/or LF as the end-of-line indicator. This behavior can cause differences in some code compared to compilers which do not strip trailing whitespace off of lines. For example:

// comment \
int x;
int y;

Pretend there's one or more spaces or tabs after the '\'. gcc will interpret this as:


// comment int x;
int y;

while other compilers (Microsoft, EDG-based, CodeWarrior to name a few) interpret it as:


// comment
int x;
int y;

And depending on what you're trying to do, either A or B is the "correct" answer. I've seen code broken either way (by assuming A and having the compiler do B and vice-versa).

This issue has recently been discussed on the C standards reflector, and though I was not privy to that discussion, my understanding is that the likely resolution from this standards body will be that a compiler implementing either A or B is conforming.

That being said, gcc to the best of knowledge, is the only modern compiler to implement end-of-line whitespace stripping (yes I'm aware of older compilers and dealing with punch cards). So on the basis of conforming to a de-facto standard alone, I propose that gcc abandon end-of-line whitespace stripping, or at least strip 2 or more whitespace characters down to 1 space instead of to 0 spaces during translation phase 1.

I realize that this change could break some existing code. But I am also aware of existing code wishing to port to gcc which is broken by gcc's current behavior. If we want gcc to "gain market share", does it not make sense to "welcome" new comers when possible by adopting what is otherwise industry-wide practice?


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