I'm going to write something in the wiki about svk. There's much FUD spreading in this thread. DanJ put up a wiki page on the OpenSSH configuration (which really could be found with 3 minutes of googling, which is shorter than writing a mail asking information about it [not speaking of you, gaby]).
I must say that I find the amount of "fiddling" and special options or configurations needed here very disturbing. People make a comment and one of the experts gives an answer of the form "oh, just turn on <yet another obscure option in some tool>". This is barely described in a wiki, let alone in any real documentation. And lots of people don't even like to read documentation. Plus, a huge amount of hackery will scare people off. I'm very concerned that we're greating increasing the barrier to entry for work on GCC. cvs is very intuitive and simple to use. I'm not seeing the same thing for svn/svk, but instead a series of increasingly complex suggestions on how to do things efficiently. Saying "casual developers of GCC can use snapshots" is not something I think we ought to be doing.