Richard Kenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>      Are there any maintainers (folks in MAINTAINERS) who have objections
>      concerns?
> Well, I haven't tried it myself yet, so what I'm going by is hearsay but
> I do share the concern that it's looking like this is a change that may
> make the common things harder and slower in order to make the less common
> operations faster and/or easier.  If so, that may not be the right

I understand the concern, but let me assure you: I strongly believe that
this is not true. The only issue here is that people are trying to configure
SVN using our Wiki page as the only reference (and not everybody even did
that). Daniel and I wrote that page, but it is not meant to contain the
answers for all the questions, nor the solve all configuration problems. We
*never* had such a page for CVS as well: if it didn't work, people simply
googled until they found the solution.

Yet, to help the transition, we *are* preparing a documentation and we *are*
helping people moving. There will be issues in the transition. But the
result is that the common things will be faster and easier, and the less
common things will be so incredibly faster and easier that might become more
common about hackers -- which I see as a good thing.
Giovanni Bajo

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