Thanks for your reply and suggestion.
A couple of questions, comments below:

> I think people really want to use svk for their day-to-day work, because
>  1. such diffs are then local operations
>  2. you can have local branches which you can use instead of having
>      N checked out modified trees.

How are sync handled ? that is to say, how much time will it take to
do the update and how frequently do I need to do them.

How is diff -rHEAD handled with svk if my check out/database isn't synced ?

Also, I guess that would mean having 8.5 gigs dedicated
to the GCC rep (without talking about the check outs and builds) on
my machine. I know that disk space is cheap, but I would need to build a
new laptop or reformat my drive in order to achieve that... And still,
having 10gigs less on a laptop's hard drive is quite annoying.


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