Am 16.03.25 um 22:37 schrieb Jonathan Wakely via Gcc:
On Sun, 16 Mar 2025 at 21:30, Harald Anlauf via Gcc <> wrote:
since I am experiencing extreme (temporary) performance problems
again with a recently increased frequency and only during evening
hours in Europe, I am asking if this is still the same cause.
Today I've been waiting for hours for a git pull to succeed (i.e.
to not timeout), not to mention a push.
Bugzilla is slow again, but waiting hours for simple Git operations is
not normal. If you're not doing anything crazy like pushing thousands
of commits to a new branch, it should not take hours. (For pulls from
trunk or release branches, you can always use the repo mirror, which benefits for
github's CDN and removes load from the server).
I am not aware of doing anything crazy: git pull / rebase / push
for the present case, and a single, small commit.
Do you use connection multiplexing with ssh, using the -O option or
the ControlMaster ssh_config setting? If the connection hangs, then
git operations over ssh will not complete. When that happens to me I
do 'ssh -O exit' to close the stalled multiplexed
connection so that a new one can be created.
I have never tried any complex setups besides simple ssh tunnels
with git in the past, so believe this does not apply.
Doing even a simple ssh -Tvv to takes a very long time
when trying in parallel to the git command. And empirically this
seems to happen only during a certain time of the day.
Regarding your comment on using github for fetching (and keeping for push), the gcc website does not give a recommendation
on how to use that in practice. Could we update
with best practices?