On 05/03/2025 13:47, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Mar 2025 at 13:37, Richard Earnshaw (lists)
> <richard.earns...@arm.com> wrote:
>> On 05/03/2025 13:10, Jonathan Wakely via Gcc wrote:
>>> While onboarding somebody today we noticed an error in the
>>> customization script if you use a non-default value for the local
>>> prefix.
>>> I reproduced it with bash -x to show where it happens. In the output
>>> below I entered "jw" as the local prefix, instead of the default "me":
>>> + echo 'Setting up tracking for personal namespace redi in remotes/users/jw'
>>> Setting up tracking for personal namespace redi in remotes/users/jw
>>> + git config remote.users/jw.url git+ssh://r...@gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git
>>> + '[' x '!=' x ']'
>>> + git config --replace-all remote.users/jw.fetch
>>> '+refs/users/redi/heads/*:refs/remotes/users/jw/*'
>>> refs/users/redi/heads/
>>> + git config --replace-all remote.users/jw.fetch
>>> '+refs/users/redi/tags/*:refs/tags/users/jw/*' refs/users/redi/tags/
>>> + git config --replace-all remote.users/jw.push
>>> 'refs/heads/jw/*:refs/users/redi/heads/*' refs/users/redi
>>> + '[' me '!=' jw -a me '!=' origin ']'
>>> + git config --remove-section remote.me
>>> fatal: no such section: remote.me
>>> + git config --unset-all remote.origin.fetch refs/users/redi/
>>> + git config --unset-all remote.origin.push refs/users/redi/
>>> + git fetch users/jw
>>> The script finishes successfully, but because the last line that is
>>> printed out is "fatal: no such section: remote.me" it makes it look
>>> like it failed and exited. But it's only fatal to the 'git config'
>>> sub-process, not the script that the user is actually running.
>>> Should we just add a 2>/dev/null redirect to that command, or do we
>>> want to check if it exists before trying to remove it? i.e.
>>> if git config get --regexp remote.me >/dev/null; then
>> You'd want to match ^remote.${old_pfx}, for safety.
> Good point!
>> You could also use 'git config --get-regexp', but perhaps that's what you 
>> mean anyway.
> I think 'get --regexp' works, but it doesn't matter if we just remove
> that chunk.

git config --help only shows the form I mentioned.  That doesn't mean yours 
won't work as well, though.

>>>   git config --remove-section remote.me
>>> fi
>>> Or should we just remove that part entirely?
>>> I doubt anybody used the original version of that script prior to
>>> January 2020, and hasn't updated to the new structure yet. See
>>> r10-6086-g24b178184f260a which introduced that part.
>> But this might be easier.  I agree, that was very much a transitional bit of 
>> code as we settled on our new workflows.
>> I'll trust your decision on this one.
> I'll wait for any other comments, but if nobody disagrees, I think we
> should remove it. How much of it is cleaning up the old config, just
> this?
> -- a/contrib/gcc-git-customization.sh
> +++ b/contrib/gcc-git-customization.sh
> @@ -205,12 +205,4 @@ git config --replace-all
> "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch" "+refs/users/${remote_i
> git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch"
> "+refs/users/${remote_id}/tags/*:refs/tags/users/${new_pfx}/*" "re
> fs/users/${remote_id}/tags/"
> git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.push"
> "refs/heads/${new_pfx}/*:refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/*" "refs/use
> rs/${remote_id}"
> -if [ "$old_pfx" != "$new_pfx" -a "$old_pfx" != "${upstream}" ]
> -then
> -    git config --remove-section "remote.${old_pfx}"
> -fi
> -
> -git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/users/${remote_id}/"
> -git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.push" "refs/users/${remote_id}/"
> -
> git fetch "users/${new_pfx}"
> While making t hat edit, I noticed that the lines above it have:
> git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch"
> "+refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/*:refs/remotes/users/${new_pfx}/*"
> "refs/users/${remote_id}/heads/"
> git config --replace-all "remote.users/${new_pfx}.fetch"
> "+refs/users/${remote_id}/tags/*:refs/tags/users/${new_pfx}/*"
> "refs/users/${remote_id}/tags/"
> That doesn't look right, because the second line will replace what was
> done by the first.

Really? isn't one working on heads and the other on tags?

All of this hunk seems related to legacy layouts as well:

+# Scan the existing settings to see if there are any we need to rewrite.
+vendors=$(git config --get-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/vendors/" | sed
 -r "s:.*refs/vendors/([^/]+)/.*:\1:" | sort | uniq)
+url=$(git config --get "remote.${upstream}.url")
+pushurl=$(git config --get "remote.${upstream}.pushurl")
+for v in $vendors
+    echo "Migrating vendor $v to new remote vendors/$v"
+    git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.fetch" "refs/vendors/$v/"
+    git config --unset-all "remote.${upstream}.push" "refs/vendors/$v/"
+    git config "remote.vendors/${v}.url" "${url}"
+    if [ "x$pushurl" != "x" ]
+    then
+       git config "remote.vendors/${v}.pushurl" "${pushurl}"
+    fi
+    git config --add "remote.vendors/${v}.fetch" 
+    git config --add "remote.vendors/${v}.fetch" 


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