On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 01:09:33PM +0000, vspefs via Gcc wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 18:04, Ben Boeckel via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 07:53:51 +0000, vspefs wrote:
> > 
> > > By the way, what's stop us from having compiler options like
> > > `g++ -Rgcm.cache -Rsomewhere/else/gcm.cache` to specify CMI repo path, 
> > > like `-I`
> > > for include paths? It could be useful for projects with complex folder
> > > structure, as build tools like Make sometimes change current working 
> > > directory,
> > > and so we need to locate CMIs in different folders.
> > 
> > 
> > Numerous :) . Consider these (non-exhaustive) problematic scenarios:
> > 
> > - incremental build, so some modules already exist, you find
> > `imported.cmi`, but how do you know it is up-to-date?
> > - flag compatibility matters; if you find `imported.cmi`, but its flag
> > set is incompatible, do you keep searching or give up?
> > - caching and distributed build tools now need to somehow encapsulate
> > repository state into their hashes and send contents as necessary
> In my beautiful, blinded fantasy, this flag should only be used with other 
> tools
> keeping the CMIs up-to-date, e.g. a build system. If a build system ensures 
> all
> needed CMIs are updated before the source gets built, there should be no
> problem.
> Flag compatibility - it should reject incompatible CMIs.
> My whole intention of this flag is to provide a handy way to configure the
> built-in module mapper, especially for build systems that use subdirectories 
> to
> structure projects. The <path> in `-R<path>` should be dynamic, decided by the
> build system at *configure* time, usually representing the paths of CMI cache
> folders of multiple subdirectories under 1 specific build profile. It cannot 
> be
> used together with `-fmodule-mapper`.

Worth noting that GCC already provides a mapper that you can customise:

$ g++ -fmodules -fmodule-mapper='|@g++-module-server -r path' -c m.cpp

for an m.cpp that provides a module "M" will write to 'path/M.gcm'.

> In shorter words, it is a way to 1) isolate CMIs of different build profiles,
> and 2) make handling modules in different subdirectories easier, with minor
> effort needed on the build system side.
> Caching build tools - God, I guess you're right.
> > > The mapping between module interface unit, module name, and expected CMI
> > > filename is still performed by the module mapper. But now when looking up 
> > > a CMI,
> > > it goes to each repo in the list, in order, until it finds a CMI that 
> > > matches
> > > and returns its full path. When producing a CMI, the CMI file is dumped 
> > > to the
> > > first repo.
> > 
> > 
> > The mapper returns the path to where it wants the CMI; why second-guess
> > it by putting it somewhere it didn't specify? Same with lookup; the
> > mapper knows the full path it made the CMI at in the first place and
> > returns that. There should not need to be any searching involved at all.
> Like mentioned above, the point is not searching but specifying. For a capable
> build system, it can provide straight-forward mapper file that contains
> module-name-CMI-path pairs like CMake does. Or other facility that works.
> I had this idea when I was toying with module mappers. I thought module 
> mappers
> could optionally provide some logic, and it can be useful. But with current
> `-fmodule-mapper`, you either use the simple built-in mapper, or write one
> yourself, build a standalone executable, and remember to handle its lifetime
> during the build. This flag should give users some power to configure the
> built-in module mapper behaviour that makes life easier.
> > > Ideally, all invocations concerning modules should have `-Rgcm.cache` as 
> > > the
> > > first CMI repo. This way, all CMI producing calls remain deterministic, 
> > > and
> > > behave same as before.
> > 
> > 
> > If you have a single build with both release and debug configurations,
> > they at least need to have separate repositories. Each executable should
> > as well because while `export module foo;` has to be unique in a
> > program, each executable could have their own `foo` module that doesn't
> > interact with others of the same name.
> My bad. Didn't mention the intended use. The whole point of having a `-R` flag
> is to have separate repositories. We should have `-Rgcm.cache-debug` under 
> debug
> configuration, and `-Rgcm.cache-release` under release.
> Each executable should as well - Yes, I didn't think of that. I always 
> believed
> that "avoiding duplicated module names" is something commonly accepted, but 
> now
> come to think of it, it's not something I can decide. It can be handled 
> though.
> Something like `-Rgcm.cache-<executable-target-name>-<build-profile>`.
> I might have oversimplified the situation. But the "mangling" of CMI paths 
> can't
> be avoided, and I believe this flag can help.
> > > This could make Make-based build systems really work. The Makefile rules
> > > proposed in this RFC make sure CMIs are built before used, and this `-R` 
> > > flag
> > > offers big-project-ready module lookup mechanics, if we just ignore the 
> > > multiple
> > > CMIs problem for now :(
> > 
> > 
> > IMO, simple `%.o: %.cxx` build systems are dead with C++ modules. One
> > just needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the source files
> > involved and the relationship between groups of them to get it right.
> I kind of agree. I haven't practiced in or seen any large projects with 
> modules,
> but my unmature opinion is that we need advanced grouping ability. Simple
> `%.o: %.cc` is not only hard to write, but also hard to maintain.
> But could there be some opportunity for a new tool to be born? I honestly 
> don't
> have a clue.
> > > This option alone, I believe, could also offer some convenience to the 
> > > general
> > > usage of modules.
> > 
> > 
> > I believe the only place for such things is in "make this one file I
> > have" use cases. Projects should use proper infrastructure that handles
> > modules correctly.
> I think I was completely brain-dead while making this claim. Sorry. T_T
> Just to mention, I think something like 
>   myfavoritebuildsystem --quick --use=boost@1.80 --as-shared-library=mylib 
> --sources mylib.cc
> you mentioned is the right way for these minor tasks.

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