
The GCC development branch which will become GCC 15 is still in
stage4, open for regression and documentation fixes only.  We've
been in this stage for 6 weeks now and are slowly progressing
towards a release.

Besides of tackling the remaining P1 bugs also have an eye on
the testsuite status of your target, ideally there should be
no new failures compared to what happens on the GCC 14 branch
and for new failures there should be a bugzilla tracking it.

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from last report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1               17    -  15
P2              604    -   7
P3              147    - 120
P4              229    +  21
P5               24
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total P1-P3     768    - 142
Total          1021    - 121

Previous Report

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