Hi Thomas,

On Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 07:09:14PM +0100, Thomas Koenig via Gcc wrote:
> I sent https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/fortran/2025-February/061670.html
> to gcc-patches also, as normal, but got back an e-mail that it
> was too large. and that a moderator would look at it.

I think that was done, since the message is here:
I also have in in my local gcc-patches inbox.
Didn't you receive it yourself through the list?

> Maybe the limits can be increased a bit, sometimes patches can
> be quite large, especially if they contain large test cases
> or a large number of generated files.

The problem is, as always spam... Do you find the current limit (400K)
restricts you often from fast posting to the gcc-patches list?

> (Does anybody actually look at the messages, as promised in the e-mail?=

I think it is done multiple times each day. The current moderators are
Jeff and Marc, with help from the Sourceware volunteers monitoring
postmaster. I know some of these people, including Marc and myself
were at Fosdem this weekend. How long did you have to wait for your
message to get to the list?



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