Hau Hsu via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> writes:
> Hi,
> I have a question about GCC's macro fusion pass.
> In the GCC internals doc, there is a hook for scheduling:
> <https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Scheduling.html#index-TARGET_005fSCHED_005fMACRO_005fFUSION_005fPAIR_005fP>
> It says:
>> If this hook returns true for the given insn pair (prev and curr),
>> the scheduler will put them into a sched group, and they will not be
> scheduled apart.
> My questions are, does this mean that GCC is just adding a mark on
> back-to-back insns (as their name *prev* and *curr* suggests) and won't
> separate them during scheduling? Does GCC try to search for separate but
> fusible insns and to put them together?
> I also traced the code in sched_macro_fuse_insns()
> <https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/640b550425180bdab7bc67edc6a48465f4023888/gcc/sched-deps.cc#L2844-L2880>,
> but it seems only grouping back-to-back insns ...

Yeah, that's right.  TARGET_SCHED_MACRO_FUSION_PAIR_P just keeps existing
groups together.  TARGET_SCHED_FUSION_PRIORITY provides a way of trying
to form new groups.


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