Hello, I am interested in compilers and have been trying to understand GCC for some time.
I am watching the GRC lectures [0] althought I know they are a bit outdated and the FOSDEM 2024 GCC devroom lectures [1]. I have been trying to understand the build system (what files get created during build time and what depends on what etc.) and have read up a bit on GENERIC and GIMPLE and have played around with the dumps, graphs etc. I plan on maybe implementing a pass using GCC plugins or a dummy GCC frontend to get some idea of how things work. Can you suggest a particular area of the compiler or some project / bugs I could work on and pointers on documentation or previous patches related to it? [0]: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/grc/index.php?page=videos [1]: https://archive.fosdem.org/2024/schedule/track/gcc/ Sincerely, Aditya Dutt <duttadity...@gmail.com>