Respected Ma’am/Sir,

I would like to represent a t*ranslation firm *that provides* translation,
interpretation, *and* web, soft, and app localization services.*

The company is a harbinger in the *translation and interpretation *world.
The team has on-board 250+ expert translators and interpreters who are
proficient in different fields.

bunch of languages like *Bengali, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Kannada,
Gujarati, Odia, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Korean, German, Swedish, Arabic,
Turkish, Portuguese, Italian, Thai, French, Greek, Japanese, French,
Chinese, Dutch, and African, *etc.

Short list of clients: *Toxic Link, HOPE Child Cancer Care Foundation,
Path, Shasta Foundation, PETA India, Pragya Foundation, SELCO Foundation,

*I am looking forward to your email as soon as possible.*

Best Regards

Preety Ahuja

Dept. (Tr & In)

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