On Tue, 20 Mar 2018, Christopher Higgs via gcc wrote:
> If this belongs in a different mailbox, please let me know where it 
> should be sent.

This was the right address, though sadly it somehow fell through the 
cracks originally.

> I would like to start contributing to GCC. In viewing the relevant pages 
> it became clear that they have not been updated for some time, which 
> makes starting to contribute a bit more challenging.
> To name a few on the Simple GCC projects page:1. A few references are 
> made to the java front-end.

Indeed, and this is something we (specifically Eric) addressed, together 
with various other issues on this page.

> Under code cleanliness, the bullet for enormous files lists files in the 
> 150-500K sizes. These sizes are not current and there are at least a 
> couple of files in the MB range (the C++ parser.c file for example).

Eric updated these as well, alas some have further grown; I'll see to do a 
new tally and update that.

> Simplifying parser action code. GCC seems to have migrated away from 
> parser generators in favor of ad hoc approaches. Does this project still 
> apply?

I don't think so, and will push a patch to remove this and associated 
items in a minute.

A belated thank you for your feedback; I'll be looking for further issue 
and will happily look into anything else you may find.


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