Am 09.08.24 um 21:17 schrieb Dimitar Dimitrov:

I assume you reset your local branch?  The branch on the server does not
seem to be affected.  I suggest to rebase the remote branch using
another local branch.  Example:

   # Just in case, see which is your old local branch.
   $ git branch

   # Create a new local tracking branch
   $ git checkout -b fortran_unsigned-20240809 origin/devel/fortran_unsigned
   $ git rebase origin/master
   $ gitk -n1000

I tried that, with te same result:

warning: skipped previously applied commit a6399bb27b3
hint: use --reapply-cherry-picks to include skipped commits
hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.skippedCherryPicks false"
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/fortran_unsigned-20240809.

$ git status
On branch fortran_unsigned-20240809
Your branch and 'origin/devel/fortran_unsigned' have diverged,
and have 690 and 198 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

So, it seems I already pushed something dubious previously.

Any other ideas?

Once you have verified that local history looks good, you can upload it
to the server.  Notice that you override the history, which is a natural
consequence of the rebase.
   $ git push --force origin HEAD:refs/heads/devel/fortran_unsigned

Not so long ago, I pushed to that branch, which led to a looong time
for checking. It got there eventually, but I do not want to repeat
that (and with more than ~40 times the number of commits, too).

Best regards


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