Hi everybody, now that a proposal for unsigned number inclusion in Fortran has passed the J3 hurdle, https://j3-fortran.org/doc/year/24/24-116.txt , I thought I would put my working hours where my mouth is and try my hand at a testbed implementation for gfortran. I am still grateful to Reinhold that he put this on the DIN list as a suggestion.
I will use the text above as a preliminary spec. Of course, there is a chance that the feature may actually not make it into F2028, or that there would be differences, but that is what experimental work is for. As for my motivation, I hate having to drop to C because Fortran lacks a feature :-) Everything will be hidden behind a flag, tentatively called -funsigned, to allow inclusion into the compiler at a later date. The amount of work will be substantial, but not too difficult - mostly copying and modifying what already works for integers Putting the work on a public branch probably works best; I will do so in the next few days. As name, I will use fortran_unsigned, unless somebody has a better idea. As to when this will be finished... I don't know, it could already be somewhat usable before being complete. It is also work that can be split into many relatively small parts, just implementing one feature at a time. Best regards Thomas