We're excited to announce that GCC will have a developer room at the upcoming FOSDEM 2024, in Brussels, Belgium:
https://fosdem.org/2024/ This email is a Call for Presentations about GCC for the developer room. Important Dates: 1st December 2023 Submission deadline 8th December 2023 Acceptance notifications 15th December 2023 Final Schedule announcement 3rd-4th February 2024 FOSDEM! ## CFP Introduction This devroom is geared towards both users of GCC and developers of GCC, and of closely related toolchain components (binutils, glibc, newlib, for example). The goal of the devroom is for GCC developers to get in touch with each other, and with users of GCC, to have (we hope) productive discussions about it, to help people get involved in development, and to have fun. The format of the expected presentations will cover a range that includes: * technical presentations * tutorials * lightning talks * demos Typically presentation slots are 25 minutes, with 15 minutes recommended for presentations, and 10 minutes for Q&A. Lightning talks are 5 minutes each. ### What is FOSDEM? **FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.** Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. FOSDEM 2024 will take place on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 February 2024. It will be an in-person event at the **ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe.** If you aren't there, you can watch the live streams from the main tracks and developer rooms. ### Important stuff: - FOSDEM is free to attend. There is no registration. - [FOSDEM website](https://fosdem.org/) - [FOSDEM code of conduct](https://fosdem.org/2024/practical/conduct/) - [FOSDEM Schedule](https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/) ### Desirable topics: * Technical presentations, such as discusion of GCC internals * Talks for users of GCC, such as presentation of new features * Tutorials (e.g. on GCC usage, or on getting involved in GCC development) * Lightning talks * Demos ### Topic overlap There are over 50 developer rooms this year, and multiple main tracks, so there may be overlap with some other events. If the topic would fit more than one devroom, you are free to choose which to submit to, but we encourage you to consider the focus of the talk, and see which devroom is best matched. Full list of devrooms [here](https://fosdem.org/2024/news/2023-11-08-devrooms-announced/). ### How to submit your proposal To submit a talk, please visit the [FOSDEM 2024 Pretalx website](https://pretalx.fosdem.org/fosdem-2024/cfp). Click **Submit a proposal**. Make sure you choose the "GCC" devroom in the track drop-down menu (so that we see it rather than another devroom's organisers) ### What should be in your submission - name - short bio - contact info - title - abstract (what you're going talk about, supports markdown) Your abstract should indicate expected prior knowledge / intended audience, to help FOSDEM attendees choose between sessions. Optional: - submission notes (for the organiser only, not made public) - description (more detail description, supports markdown) - session image (if you have an illustration to go with the talk) - additional speaker/s (if more than one person presenting) Afterwards, click "Continue". The second page will include fields for: - Extra materials for reviewers (optional, for organisers only) - Additional information about the speaker (optional). - Resources to be used during the talk All presentations will be recorded and made available under Creative Commons licenses. In the Submission notes field, please indicate that you agree that your presentation will be licensed under the CC-By-SA- 4.0 or CC-By-4.0 license and that you agree to have your presentation recorded. For example: "If my presentation is accepted for FOSDEM, I hereby agree to license all recordings, slides, and other associated materials under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License. Sincerely, <NAME>." Once you've completed the required sections, submit and we'll get back to you soon! ### Things to be aware of * The reference time will be Brussels local lime (CET) <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/belgium/brussels> * If you're not able to attend the talk in-person, live stream links will be available on the FOSDEM schedule page: <https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/>. * FOSDEM Matrix channels are specific to each devroom, the general link is: </#/#fosdem:fosdem.org> * FOSDEM 2024 FAQ: <https://fosdem.org/2024/faq/> ### Contact If you have any question about this devroom, please send a message to gcc-devroom-manager at fosdem dot org. Organizers of the devroom can also be reached on IRC at irc://irc.oftc.net/#gcc; see https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GCConIRC ### Program Committee * David Malcolm (dmalcolm at redhat dot com) * Thomas Schwinge (tschwinge at googlemail dot com)