On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 04:50:41PM +0100, Andrew Haley wrote:

jcm>> GCC 4.0 has been shortlisted in this year's Linux Awards:

jcm>>   * http://www.linuxawards.co.uk/content/view/14/40/

> Going from the mailing lists there are about ten of us heavily
> involved in gcc here in the UK.  I'm not sure how you'd choose
> someone, given that gcc is a collective effort.

Absolutely. This is the situation and we're very much aware that none of
the projects which have been nominated for Wednesday's Awards are one
man bands - you'll see we have others like Eclipse, Mozilla, etc. etc.
all in there and all of them are multinational efforts.

But we need to find someone who is comfortable to accept the award on
behalf of the team - otherwise GCC will be the only project which is not
represented at the event. We understand the value of GCC (do a Google
search on my name for example) and just want to give recognition.


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