On 07/07/2023 00:27, André Albergaria Coelho via Gcc wrote:
What if the user chooses in own ABI, say specifying a config file like

My abi

" Parameters = pushed in stack"


gcc -abi "My abi" some.c -o some

what would be the problems of specifying an ABI?? would that improve the usage of user? less complex / more

simpler for user (say user is used to code asm in a way)

You can fiddle things a bit, using the -ffixed-reg, -fcall-used-reg and -fcall-saved-reg flags:


This is almost certainly a bad idea for most situations - you really have to have a special niche case to make it worth doing. The register allocation algorithms in GCC are complex, and I would expect changing these settings would give you less efficient results. And of course it will mess up all calls to any code compiled with different settings - such as library code.

A far better solution is for the user who is used to coding in assembly, to get used to coding in C, C++, or other languages supported by GCC. If you really need some assembly, as happens occasionally, then learn about GCC's extended syntax inline assembly. That lets GCC worry about details such as register allocation and operands, so that your assembly is minimal, and allows the assembly to work well along with the compiler optimisation.

If you have legacy assembly functions that are written to a non-standard calling convention, write a thunk to translate as necessary.

  • user sets ABI AndrĂ© Albergaria Coelho via Gcc
    • Re: user sets ABI David Brown via Gcc

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