Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day. I would like to engage your firm to prepare my tax return for the current tax year. Prior to this year, my wife had always been in charge of our tax returns. However, our financial situation has changed, and she has also taken on additional responsibilities at work. Currently, I have concluded that having a professional prepare my tax return would be the most beneficial option for me. I can say for sure that we are fairly organized with our tax documentation. Besides our employment income, we also earn income from rental properties (Airbnb), stock options, dividends, and interest. While I understand that it is a busy time of year for tax professionals, I would appreciate your consideration of my request. I can send you my most recent tax documents and we can jump on a call with your quote, reasonable I hope, and any further questions you might have.
Looking forward to your response. Happy 4th of July!! Richard Nardi Senior Managing Director, Investments NNN Properties, LLC 275 Madison Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10016 Website: www.nnnpro.com/our-team/ http://www.nnnpro.com/our-team/ Office: (332) 345-3212 License: 10401296108