On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 11:47 AM David Malcolm via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>

> On Wed, 2023-05-17 at 17:28 +0300, Eli Zaretskii via Gcc wrote:
> > Dear GCC developers,
> [CCing Frank, re the systemtap LSP implementation]
> Hi Eli
> > Emacs 29, to be released soon, will come with a built-in client for
> > the LSP protocol.  This allows to enhance important Emacs features,
> > such as at-point documentation, on-the-fly diagnostic annotations,
> > finding definitions and uses of program identifiers, enhanced
> > completion of symbols and code, etc., based on capabilities of LSP
> > servers.
> Excellent.  Do you have a handy link to the specific LSP methods that
> Emacs consumes?
> >
> > The Emacs LSP client comes with support for many popular LSP servers
> > OOTB and for all the programming languages supported by Emacs.
> > However, all the available servers for C and C++ languages are based
> > on Clang.  AFAIU, this is because GCC does not yet have its own
> > implementation of the LSP.  I found this message posted to gcc-
> > patches
> > in 2017:
> >
> >   https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-patches/2017-07/msg01448.html
> >
> > which described the initial implementation of LSP in GCC, but I seem
> > to be unable to find out what happened with that since then.
> >
> > Are there plans for implementing the LSP in GCC?  If so, which GCC
> > version is expected to have this included?
> I wrote that prototype, but I haven't touched it since 2017, and I
> already have more than enough other work, alas.  I'm happy to help if
> someone wants to pick up the work and finish it.

Maybe create a BZ and gcc.gnu.org/projects entry for this work?


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