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On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 09:35:22AM -0700, Richard Henderson wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 07:32:46AM -0400, Richard Kenner wrote:
> > The real fix is below, though I haven't run it throuh a testing
> > cycle yet.  I was wondering how this ever worked:
> Indeed this is clearly correct.  And one does wonder how this missing
> line has managed to not cause problems elsewhere...

At first I thought that my half-hearted effort at writing a port (16-bit
x86) was failing only due to my uber GCC cluelessness, then I saw just
the right number of statistically unlikely phrases in the patch to pique
my interest.

Since a few weeks ago, during the building of my target libgcc, I get:
/mnt/disk2/src/gcc/gcc/libgcc2.h:378: error: size of array '__popcount_tab' is 
too large 1

(The '1' refers to the first of two identical warnings.)

So I learned about dump_node() and applied this patch:

- --- c-decl.c.borig    Fri Sep 16 14:51:38 2005
+++ c-decl.c    Thu Sep 29 17:05:49 2005
@@ -4109,20 +4109,25 @@ grokdeclarator (const struct c_declarato
            tree itype = NULL_TREE;
            tree size = declarator->u.array.dimen;
            /* The index is a signed object `sizetype' bits wide.  */
            tree index_type = c_common_signed_type (sizetype);
            array_ptr_quals = declarator->u.array.quals;
            array_ptr_attrs = declarator->u.array.attrs;
            array_parm_static = declarator->u.array.static_p;
+           fprintf(stderr, " **** sizetype: ****\n");
+           dump_node(sizetype, 0, stderr);
+           fprintf(stderr, " **** index_type: ****\n");
+           dump_node(index_type, 0, stderr);
            declarator = declarator->declarator;
            /* Check for some types that there cannot be arrays of.  */
            if (VOID_TYPE_P (type))
                error ("declaration of %qs as array of voids", name);
                type = error_mark_node;
The result is this:

 **** sizetype: ****
@1      integer_type     name: @2       size: @3       algn: 8       
                         prec: 8        sign: unsigned min : @4      
                         max : @5      
@2      type_decl        name: @6       type: @7       srcp:
@3      integer_cst      type: @8       low : 8       
@4      integer_cst      type: @7       low : 0       
@5      integer_cst      type: @7       low : 255     
@6      identifier_node  strg: short unsigned int      lngt: 18      
@7      integer_type     name: @2       size: @3       algn: 8       
                         prec: 8        sign: unsigned min : @4      
                         max : @5      
@8      integer_type     name: @9       size: @10      algn: 16      
                         prec: 12       sign: unsigned min : @11     
                         max : @12     
@9      identifier_node  strg: bit_size_type           lngt: 13      
@10     integer_cst      type: @8       low : 16      
@11     integer_cst      type: @8       low : 0       
@12     integer_cst      type: @8       low : 4095    
 **** index_type: ****
@1      integer_type     name: @2       size: @3       algn: 8       
                         prec: 8        sign: signed   min : @4      
                         max : @5      
@2      type_decl        name: @6       type: @1       srcp:
@3      integer_cst      type: @7       low : 8       
@4      integer_cst      type: @1       high: -1       low : -128    
@5      integer_cst      type: @1       low : 127     
@6      identifier_node  strg: signed char             lngt: 11      
@7      integer_type     name: @8       size: @9       algn: 16      
                         prec: 12       sign: unsigned min : @10     
                         max : @11     
@8      identifier_node  strg: bit_size_type           lngt: 13      
@9      integer_cst      type: @7       low : 16      
@10     integer_cst      type: @7       low : 0       
@11     integer_cst      type: @7       low : 4095    

Does anyone know why index_type seems to be "signed char", which of
course cannot hold indices into __popcount_tab[256]?

[Sorry, no paperwork filed, therefore no show-and-tell to the list.]

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