On 5/11/23 10:39 PM, Po Lu wrote:
>> If so, then as far as I can tell, that was the original plan? The flag
>> already exists, even. And the original proposal was to provide another
>> flag that doesn't even restrict you to c89.
> And what will guarantee this ``always'' always remains true?

Nothing. The future has not happened yet, so it cannot be guaranteed. As
I said in a previous reply, the earth may be struck by a meteor and
annihilate all life on earth. I cannot guarantee for you that such an
event will never happen.

All I can say is that I think it is pretty unlikely and not worth
worrying about.

And similarly, I can say about your concern, that I think it is pretty

If you will not be satisfied by anything less than a "guarantee" then I
don't know what to say. Maybe hire a lawyer and draw up a contract that
you convince the GCC developers to sign, saying that they are not
legally allowed to remove the flag? Would this make you happy?

Eli Schwartz

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