On Wed, 10 May 2023 at 12:51, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > Once again, it is not GCC's business to clean up the packages which > use GCC as the compiler. GCC is a tool, and should allow any > legitimate use of it that could be useful to someone. Warning about > dubious usage is perfectly fine, as it helps those who do that > unintentionally or due to ignorance. But completely failing an > operation that could have produce valid code is too radical.
Again (are you even reading the replies?), there will be an option to continue to accept the invalid code. This is just a change in defaults. GCC will not force anybody to change code, at most it this change would force them to consciously and intentionally say "I know this is not valid C code but I want to compile it anyway". By using a compiler option. This is not draconian, and you sound quite silly.