Hello Anastasia,

we are very happy that you are considering contributing to GCC.

On Mon, Mar 20 2023, Anastasia3412 via Gcc wrote:
> Hello Everyone I'm Anastasia.
>I am a prospective GSOC Student. I wish to know if the project C++:
>Implement compiler built-in traits for the standard library traits is
>still available. I have already build and got my hand dirty on
>debugging GCC.

Various prospective contributors have shown interest in it but we have
not "promised" it to anyone, I don't think we can, so it is "available."
It has been discussed for example here:

> How should I proceed to make a proposal.

I have listed what we expect to find in the proposal at
https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode  (but I assume you have already
read that page).  You need to figure out what the project would entail
and write it down, with a little bit of detail and milestones.

We'll be happy to help answering any specific questions.

> Also I want to
>know does having theoretical knowledge of compiler knowledge a
>prerequisite for this proposal, if yes I will do a course on compiler

I do not know this area of the compiler particularly well, but generally
speaking, some basic level of knowledge of the theory is necessary - at
least of the basic data structures that compilers operate on
(intermediate language or intermediate representation).

Good luck!


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