On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 01:02:54AM +0100, Alex Colomar wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On 2/23/23 20:57, Martin Uecker wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag, dem 23.02.2023 um 20:23 +0100 schrieb Alex Colomar:
> > > Hi Martin,
> > > 
> > > On 2/17/23 14:48, Martin Uecker wrote:
> > > > > This new wording doesn't even allow one to use memcmp(3);
> > > > > just reading the pointer value, however you do it, is UB.
> > > > 
> > > > memcmp would not use the pointer value but work
> > > > on the representation bytes and is still allowed.
> > > 
> > > Hmm, interesting.  It's rather unspecified behavior. Still
> > > unpredictable: (memcmp(&p, &p, sizeof(p) == 0) might evaluate to true or
> > > false randomly; the compiler may compile out the call to memcmp(3),
> > > since it knows it won't produce any observable behavior.
> > > 
> > > <https://software.codidact.com/posts/287905>
> > 
> > No, I think several things get mixed up here.
> > 
> > The representation of a pointer that becomes invalid
> > does not change.
> > 
> > So (0 === memcmp(&p, &p, sizeof(p)) always
> > evaluates to true.
> > 
> > Also in general, an unspecified value is simply unspecified
> > but does not change anymore.

Right.  p is its own thing - n bytes on the stack containing some value.
Once it comes into scope, it doesn't change on its own.  And if I do
free(p) or o = realloc(p), then the value of p itself - the n bytes on
the stack - does not change.

I realize C11 appears to have changed that.  I fear that in doing so it
actually risks increasing the confusion about pointers.  IMO it's much
easier to reason about

        o = realloc(p, X);

(and more baroque constructions) when keeping in mind that o, p, and the
object pointed to by either one are all different things.

> > Reading an uninitialized value of automatic storage whose
> > address was not taken is undefined behavior, so everything
> > is possible afterwards.
> > 
> > An uninitialized variable whose address was taken has a
> > representation which can represent an unspecified value
> > or a no-value (trap) representation. Reading the
> > representation itself is always ok and gives consistent
> > results. Reading the variable can be undefined behavior
> > iff it is a trap representation, otherwise you get
> > the unspecified value which is stored there.
> > 
> > At least this is my reading of the C standard. Compilers
> > are not full conformant.
> Does all this imply that the following is well defined behavior (and shall
> print what one would expect)?
>   free(p);
>   (void) &p;  // take the address
>   // or maybe we should (void) memcmp(&p, &p, sizeof(p)); ?
>   printf("%p\n", p);  // we took previously its address,
>                       // so now it has to hold consistently
>                       // the previous value
> This feels weird.  And a bit of a Schroedinger's pointer.  I'm not entirely
> convinced, but might be.

Again, p is just an n byte variable which happens to have (one hopes)
pointed at a previously malloc'd address.

And I'd argue that pre-C11, this was not confusing, and would not have
felt weird to you.

But I am most grateful to you for having brought this to my attention.
I may not agree with it and not like it, but it's right there in the
spec, so time for me to adjust :)


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