Hi, I am neither the org-admin for GSoC, nor a mentor for any of the proposed projects. Just a community member like you.
Here are a few things you can do till the time you get a response from either of those: - Try building gcc from source if you haven't till now, refer the docs https://gcc.gnu.org/install/ for detailed information and try building with bootstrap disabled if you want to save some time. Also it is recommended to build a debuggable version ( see next point for details ) so that you can efficiently use a debugger to step through the source code. - Once you have a proper version built from source, you can now use a debugger ( preferably gdb ) on it to get better understanding of the control flow. You can read the official docs ( https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebuggingGCC#gccbuilddebug ) or the gcc-newbies-guide by David Malcolm ( https://gcc-newbies-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/debugging.html ) for more information and instructions about debugging gcc. - Speaking of gcc-newbies-guide by David Malcolm, it is actually an amazing source to get started for new-comers ( https://gcc-newbies-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html ) Although Google is yet to announce list of selected organizations. Most of the stuff I mentioned is already present in the "Before you apply" ( https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode#Before_you_apply ) section of gcc's summer of code page. - Ankur > On 13-Feb-2023, at 7:04 PM, Kritika Rag via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote: > > Hello Sir/Mam, > > > > I’m Kritika Rag, a Computer Science pre-final year undergraduate student > from India. I’m quite passionate about web development and competitive > programming and now I’m looking forward to contributing to open-source > projects. I believe that GSOC 2023 would provide me with the best way to > start my open-source contribution journey. > > > > Since I’m a competitive programmer, I have excellent command over Data > Structures & Algorithms and my primary language is C++, so C++ and GCC are > something that I use daily, therefore I would love to make my contributions > to GCC projects. After going through all the projects listed on GCC Wiki > <https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode#Other_Project_Ideas>, these are the > projects(any one of them) to which I would like to contribute: > > 1. Bug Patrol and primarily Analyze Failing Test Cases – Whether I'm > practicing algorithms on Leetcode, GFG, etc., or giving CP contests on > CodeChef, Codeforces, etc., Test case failures are something I encounter > daily. Working on the project would be an interesting dig for me to learn > about the inner workings of something that I see daily and make > improvements to it. > 2. Library Infrastructure - As quoted *"These tasks are about improving > the utility routine library used by GCC. If you like data structures, these > may be for you", *and being a data structures enthusiast I do believe > that I'll be able to put my best knowledge to use in this project. > > Lastly, thank you so much for providing these opportunities, I would be > grateful if you would provide me the opportunity to work with your > organization. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. > > Thanks and Regards, > Kritika Rag > > > > Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows