Gabriel Dos Reis said:
> "Zack Weinberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Gabriel Dos Reis said:
> | > C++98 came before C99, so who diverged from whom?
> |
> | It doesn't matter.
> Yet, you're you were construeing it as an argument to support your position.

I'm only bringing up the divergence as an argument that at least one of the
standards should be changed.

Now my position _is_ that C++ should change, and for rationale look no further
than Geoff's observation that implementing (A) or (B) rather than (C)
serves primarily to increase the set of programs that are ill-formed.  Since I
don't think anyone but a conformance-test author would ever code something like
Joseph's example, I think our users are best served by sticking to (C) and 
the standards match.

> | > If you do feel so strongly about this, why don't you invest time in
> | > sorting this with the committees?
> |
> | I am not in a position to do that.  Others on this list are.
> Please be more explicit.

Participating in the standards committees takes a great deal of time and
money (for travel), neither of which I have right now.  I don't care to
discuss my precise circumstances.


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