The attached patch fixes the following warnings

../../gcc/gcc/treelang/parse.y: In function yyparse:
../../gcc/gcc/treelang/parse.y:532: warning: too many arguments for format
../../gcc/gcc/treelang/parse.y:641: warning: conversion lacks type at end of 

I am not sure if this is the best fix. I could not find much documentation 
about the syntax of the format string of "error" and "warning". Because of 
this, I have used similar messages present in other parts of gcc as examples.

bootstrapped and tested (make check-treelang) in i686.


2005-09-13  Rafael Ávila de Espíndola  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                  * parse.y :  Fixed two compile warnings in "error" and 
"warning" invocations
Index: gcc/treelang/parse.y
RCS file: /cvsroot/gcc/gcc/gcc/treelang/parse.y,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -c -3 -p -r1.27 parse.y
*** gcc/treelang/parse.y	25 Jun 2005 00:59:41 -0000	1.27
--- gcc/treelang/parse.y	17 Sep 2005 03:21:37 -0000
*************** tl_RETURN expression_opt {
*** 528,535 ****
  	warning (0, "%HRedundant expression in return.",
! 		 &ret_tok->tp.tok.location, ret_tok->tp.tok.length,
! 		 ret_tok->tp.tok.chars);
          tree_code_generate_return (type_prod->, NULL);
--- 528,534 ----
  	warning (0, "%HRedundant expression in return.",
! 		 &ret_tok->tp.tok.location);
          tree_code_generate_return (type_prod->, NULL);
*************** NAME LEFT_PARENTHESIS expressions_with_c
*** 637,643 ****
    proto = lookup_tree_name (&search_prod);
    if (!proto)
!       error ("%HFunction prototype not found for %q.*%s.",
  	     &tok->tp.tok.location, tok->tp.tok.length, tok->tp.tok.chars);
--- 636,642 ----
    proto = lookup_tree_name (&search_prod);
    if (!proto)
!       error ("%HFunction prototype not found for %q.*s.",
  	     &tok->tp.tok.location, tok->tp.tok.length, tok->tp.tok.chars);

Attachment: pgpawcrrm5J05.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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