Sorry for delayed reply.
As I said, I haven't looked at the code in awhile (before GIMPLE), but
the TREE code is the symbol table that allows you to look up the types
of arguments and the function return type.
Yes, I think you ar right. I found some other functionalities in
rs6000_gimplify_va_arg() of TREE, but I am not sure of it , could you have
a look at it and verify my thoughts to it. Some code listed here for
your reference.
5784 t = fold_convert (TREE_TYPE (reg), size_int (8 - n_reg + 1));
5785 t = build2 (GE_EXPR, boolean_type_node, u, t);
5786 u = build1 (GOTO_EXPR, void_type_node, lab_false);
5787 t = build3 (COND_EXPR, void_type_node, t, u, NULL_TREE);
5788 gimplify_and_add (t, pre_p);
I can not find any document to explain these routines and just infer the
meaning literally. When this slice of code executed, the structure of tree
is like this,
/ \
/ \
Am I missing some thing? Anyone could approve or deny this. On the
presumption I am on right track, I do not know why compute
(8 - n_reg + 1) in compile-time and convert to TREE_TYPE (reg)?
The RTX code are the
instructions you produce for va_arg, etc. For example, I believe the
eabi/System V had a structure that had a few elements, one of which was
the argument number, then there pointers to the save areas for gpr and
fpr registers and the stack frame. The va_arg code would have to
produce code that tested the argument number, and if it was the first 8
arguments it would use the pointer to the gpr/fpr save areas and if not
it would use the stack pointer, and finally bump up the argument number.
Yes, I have got something in my mind about you have pointed out, but
there is another concept confused me, align. For example,
5820 t = ovf;
5821 if (align != 1)
5822 {
5823 t = build2 (PLUS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (t), t, size_int (align -
5824 t = build2 (BIT_AND_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (t), t,
5825 build_int_cst (NULL_TREE, -align));
5826 }
I do not know why align is relative to PLUS and BIT_AND, just for
alignment adjustment?
I may be somewhat wrong on the details. That is the trouble on working
on quite a few different ports -- after awhile all of the details blend
Best Regards
Yao Qi
Bejing Institute of Technology
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